Friday, September 27, 2013


Well, we finally got here after months of planning and anticipation. After landing in Rome we drove to Orvieto. The city dates back to pre BC. It a town known for producing wine (what else) and also is a place wheee 32 Popes have spent time on holiday. It is such a beautiful place so picturesque like you would see in the movies. We had our first gelato in Orvieto then went you our first cooking class in Fossatello.  At Decugnano dei Barbie, (they also make wine and olive oil) we had a tour of the winery, learned a lot about wine, and went to our private cooking class. We made pasta, pizza, veal and cookies. Then they served us in a room big enough to seat 100 people. It was delicious!!!
Joyce introduced me to picking figs off the trees today. I have never eaten fresh figs like that. So good!,,,

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